Boycott V-Day Challenge: Wrap-Up Days 26-28

It's almost over! It's almost over! Challenges always become a pain half-way through. I wanted to finish because this challenge has helped me out a lot by getting back into blogging. Now that I'm back into blogging and creating art, I have many ideas on where I want to take this. I have discovered more blogs I can look up to admire. They also have gave me inspiration for where I want to take this. I created a Facebook fan page for this blog and a Twitter account to keep it separate from my personal life. I even created a second blog to focus on my health and keeping it up. So thank you Boycott V-Day Challenge, but I'm not upset to see you go.

Day 26
A picture of someone you miss and an instrumental song

My Pi Phi sisters

Day 27
A picture you took that showcases motion and your favorite song this time last year

Day 28
A picture that can always make you smile and a song that makes you happy that you made it through a whole month of blog posts!

I have loved our Father's Day trip every year. We have stress, maybe some fights, worn out, but it is something always to remember and fun.
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Boycott V-Day Challenge: Day 25

Day 25
Edit a picture (picnic is an awesome site) and post it and a song that makes you think of your last vacation

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Boycott V-Day Challenge: Day 24

Day 24
A picture of the cast from your favorite show and a song that’s good to work out to

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Holga Camera?

I see all these amazing photos from other blogs I would read. Then they began to say they were made with toy cameras. Oh I wanted one then. I like to take pictures(not often), but when I do I would like them to look like that. So I asked for it for my birthday... my family had no clue what it was. So I didn't get it. Since I asked for it again for Christmas, my mom got a little curious and bought it for me. Now I have it and been waitng for good weather to go out and explore with it.

Now that it is get warmer I know I will want to go out and take some pictures. Now I'm afarid. I don't know what to do. I figure I'm gonna have to load it like a 35mm camera. My main concern was that I bought it from online. So can I get these developed local or will I have to ship it somewhere? Same with buying more film? Yes I have a CD but I just don't think it can answer those questions. Just on how to work the camera. Does anyone know? Please let me know..... :(

Boycott V-Day Challenge: Day 23

Day 23
A picture of you more than 10 years ago and a song that you want to play at your wedding (or did play at your wedding)

A picture of me and my older sis who is hosting this V-Day Boycott Challenge.

Category: 2 comments

Poetry and Art - Love Part 1 WIP

My last Poetry and Art piece doesn't look great. It bugs me. My mom looked at it and read the poem and she was like "That's depressing, who wrote that?" I didn't see the poem as depression but it might be. I've been so out of practice with art, that my color theory sucks! I have a hard time with dark colors and to start off that way wasn't a good idea I guess. This piece has alot of neutrals but with some bright colors.  I'm taking it slow with it, since I want time to look and think over it before placing it together. Also because I have been working hard on my health and my other blog,

The hardest thing about this pieces is incorporating so many words in a readble fashion. Last time I just painted it as it would be written on a piece of paper and I think that is what made the piece even more weak. Now I'm thinking long and hard how I am incorpoarting it this time. Here is what I have so far...

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Boycott V-Day Challenge: Day 22

Day 22
A picture of your most treasured item and a song that makes you tear up
My laptop... I use it soooooo much. Mine has a funky design on the front too but just not this design

Reminds me of my pi phi sisters

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Boycott V-Day Challenge: Day 21

Day 21
A picture of someone who inspires you and a song that is your phone ringtone

The person that inpires me is Walt Disney from a previous day..... that was a picture that inspires you on Day 16

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A New Blog!

Ok I have had many issues I have shared with you on this blog. The thing is they aren't about the arts and literature at all. Both are in my life but as they are separate, they need separte blog spaces. So I welcome you to visit my new blog, Balance is the Key to Health There will be most of my stresses in life and my journey in my weight loss.

This blog will now be about what it was truthfully meant to be about. I have started a new piece of art last night and hope to finish it tonight. I will post it very soon. Also I'm doing very bad at reading a book a week. I need to pull one out and begin on it so I can do some more book reviews. I'm pretty crappy at them and need more practice.

My laptop will die shortly so I have to go, I will update soon besides the V-Day Challenge...(only 8 days left, yes!)
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My Health Changes Today!

Ok I am done! Done with it! I've had weight issues for most of my life. Lately it affected my health.... but didn't take action because I didn't have the money to. Now I've gain a little more weight and I feel fat. Like I feel that my fat rolls are making me feel uncomfortable and feel tight. Ok those daily little things now just make me sick. It doesn't help when an embarrassing picture of me showcasing my fat was on facebook this past week. I tried to ride a mechanical bull.... but I had an issue getting on it. Already tried twice and failed, I stopped and let someone else go for me. But someone had taken a picture of me failing at getting on with my butt and thighs straight shot failing at it. It made me sick to see it. It took a few days but I finally convinced them to take it off. That's what I get for trying something new and being courageous. But what a way to encourage me I can't start soon enough on my health. So that day is today!

So I know this is my blog about arts and literature... but lately it has been about myself. Not the books I've read, art I have created, or the cultural events I have attended. But the thing is I'm having to think so much about myself, to change myself or better said.. improving myself. I'm trying to make a better lifestyle change but still incorporating my love for arts and literature. I still want to create more collages and read the books that are waiting on my shelf... my health needs to be the first thing then relax with the others.

I'm kinda glad I'm not on this road alone. Kara a Pi Phi sister of mine is also blogging and changing her health. Her blog is here: We have different ways to reach our health goals, like she is vegan (I so could not do that) but knowing someone else is facing the same issues as me gives you a support system. Also I was SO SO SO glad that my work at the daycare is starting a Biggest Loser competition lasting 12 weeks starting Feb 28th. I'm not the only one there with weight and health issues. Others are discovering their blood sugar is effecting their health or other things. For the years I have worked there we have complained but still have enabled each other with our bad lifestyle choices. My daycare is part of the YMCA we should be healthy individuals... but we aren't. So this being started there will make others see the changes we make effect our lives. So I better see no more enablers and chocolate in cabinets. I'm glad that there will be such a good support system there now, even when I won't be working there often once I begin to sub in the school system.

Now how am I going to make these changes in my life? I had issues because of money but I should get a pay check soon to help buy healthy groceries. Until then I should have enough in our house to get by. I do like the Biggest Loser show and how they lose weight. You count calories and all the other items you put in your body and you burn more calories than you consume. Everything we do burns calories... even sitting down at this computer. Obviously its not much. Mostly just what your body burn while sitting... I just need to keep track of what goes in my body and increase my body movement a lot everyday.

Here is my plan:
My Daily Intake needs to be in these ranges.
Calories.... 1400-1800
Carbs.... 210-270g
Fiber.... 22+g
Protein.... 53-113g
Fat.... 31-60g
Sodium.... <3000mg
Drink 8 glasses of water a day

Then I need to burn 200 calories a day by doing one of the following for example:
  • Biking casually for 20 mins
  • Bowling for 40mins
  • Dancing for 25mins
  • Golfing and carrying clubs for 20mins
  • Golfing at the driving range for 40 mins
  • Running at 5mph for 15mins
  • Running at 7mph for 10 mins
  • Ice or roller skating for 20mins
  • Tennis for 20 mins
  • Bar tending for 45mins
  • Playing with kids for 30mins
  • Vacuuming for 25mins
I found this site which is really great at telling you daily activities of others about how long it will take you to do daily activities. Thanks Stumble! I also enjoy Wii Fit, DDR and Just Dance so some days may include a lot of wii games. DDR is such a cardio work out. I have dripped sweat before trying to beat a certain song at a certain level... just because it is a video game doesn't mean you sit and do nothing.

Today I plan to play 30 minutes of wii fit and 30-60mins of DDR. Also when I look in my kitchen it seems my meals will probably be egg whites, oranges, tomato soup, rice, almonds, frozen veggies, potatoes, onions, and red wine until I get that paycheck. Time to get creative. Also don't hate on the red wine. I don't care for it but if I have a good day I am going to treat myself with it since a glass of it a day is know to have positive effects on your health.

So here is me wishing myself good luck with this lifestyle change and to stick with it for life.
Category: 1 comments

Boycott V-Day Challenge: Day 20

Day 20
A picture of something you wish you were better at and the first commercial jingle you can think of, right this minute.

I really bad about doing the work that I planned on doing. I plan out great but getting to do it... not so much. I just need to do the work I set out to do.

So dumb.....
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Boycott V-Day Challenge: Day 19

Day 19
A picture of your favorite book and a song from your favorite soundtrack.

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Boycott V-Day Challenge: Day 18

Day 18
A picture of your favorite band or artist and a song that you love but your best friend/sibling/spouse hates

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Poetry and Art - Don't Be Blue

When cleaning out a closet a few months ago I found a small old trunk. Inside was all the poems and such my great aunt (my sister thinks great grandmother) wrote. She had a childrens book I read when I was younger and I always remember how I was amazed at her. I have no memory of meeting her and I don't know what she looks like but I know her from the creative side of her she left behind. I can she her thoughts and beliefs from her poems... like I know she was a strong christian. I just hope one day maybe a relative in the future will know me by my art left.

When I found the trunk a few months ago, first thing I did was move it into our craft room under my desk. Those were getting no love in the back of the closet. I wanted to incorporate her poems into some of my artwork. The other day determined to get back into making some art, I pulled out her poems and started sketching visuals for different poems. And that night I got started on the first one I found. I just finished it.

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Boycott V-Day Challenge: Day 17

Day 17
A picture from your morning and a song that you hear WAY too often on the radio

This is my baby girl, Cass. She is a Shorkie. I adore her. She loves to cuddle which is good cuz I love to cuddle with her. I see her almost every morning when I get up laying on or next to me.

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Boycott V-Day Challenge: Day 16

Day 16
A picture that inspires you and a song that you used to love but now hate

Walt Disney had a great imagination and has made an enterprise that I adore. He worked hard and made his dreams happen. Anyone can do it if they really try.

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Boycott V-Day Challenge: Day 15

Day 15
A black and white photo and a song that describes you

This song describes me because I'm off the beaten path. I am also a Pi Phi angel. An angel off the path is fallen and their halo would then be rusty. I know I stretched it a bit.
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Valentines Day

Yes I am participating in a Boycott V-Day Challenge. I don't hate Valentines day... I hate the way that people treat this day. And I have to say my fellow women are the main to blame. To me the thought and meaning is what matters. But some women tend to think the amount of love they have is measured by the cost, amount, or size of certain things. So of course flowers, chocolates, stuffed animals, and the drumroll....... jewelry! Dude love is a simple yet complex thing, you don't need to make it any more confusing.

I don't have a man in my life right now. But I still just love the simple things. I have received one piece of jewelry and it was a complete surprise... it was because he wanted to, not because I wanted him to. Big difference. I am happy with simple joys.... just like thought to go into them. The thought always shows that you care, not a box of chocolates. I rather have a nice engraved silver band as a engagement ring. I don't need any stone to have him show how much he loves me.

So if today you are spending time with loved ones doing things you love.... then great! But if your sitting at home pissed because your man ordered lilys and not red roses... then you have issues. Relearn what love is.... your the ones I think about when this day comes around with all the commericals of chocolates and jewelry.

Boycott V-Day Challenge: Day 14

Day 14
A picture from last summer and a song that no one would expect you to love

This is me and my dad on the cruise last may

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What Did I Accomplish In Two Weeks?

About two weeks ago I began blogging again. When I did, my life had changed and I am now on the path to get it back in order. You can check it out here

What did I accomplish in two weeks, then? Well I somewhat know what I am doing for work. Well I am a substitute teacher. My old work, YMCA daycare asked if I would like to sub on days when people miss, which is good because I would miss all those kids too much. My real job once my federal background check comes back is substituting for the local school system. I am really excited about this because I can get a lot better classroom experience this way. I am hoping this will start in the coming weeks. I like this but at the same time it's not good. Everyday I don't know if I will be working or not, my schedule will be unpredictable. But at the same time if I need to help out family or to have fun during the week all I can say is I can't work that day. My family still wants me to look for other job opportunities that will be full-time, have benefits, and better pay. I understand it would make some things easier but others harder, like if I went back to school.

I did apply to many places and the places I called back were early childhood learning centers. Well that's where all my experience is and also I had a few offers I turned down. So it made me feel good because these places saw that I know about children well and know how to work with them. I also felt very confident going into those interviews because I knew exactly what the job offered. No nerves like I did years ago at my last job interviews. Also I learned things about job applications, resumes, cover letters, and references. I made mistakes in the process and my family didn't like it, but it was a learning experience. I haven't done that much applying to jobs... probably almost ever. I've held some long-term positions for someone my age.

Well until I can really work and then get those paychecks... the bank account is tight. My dad is an accountant and he is helping with my bills for now and my mom is also helping here and there. I am really thankful for their help. I have a good credit score and just because I'm in a rut I don't want it to drop. I will need it if I have to get a car in the near future.

Now my health??? Well I haven't done a thing with it. Now I know I am still employed with the YMCA I can go for free, but I really don't like working out there. It's far from home and I don't like working out in front of guys. Also I was going to join weight watchers with my sister. Well she has kinda fallen from that wagon and I don't have the money still for the weekly meetings. Plus, I do better with dieting if I go and buy my own foods and cook them. Lack of money means I have to leave that to my mom and it doesn't work that well for me. So real soon I hope to really get a kick start on it.

Staying on top of reading blogs makes me really want to get back into the creative side. I keep getting ideas her and there, but I forget them. I was always such a terrible sketcher to keep track of ideas too. I always just wanted to jump  right in. So as I get ideas I want to do those and forget the rest.... yep I need to work on sketching those ideas done. And also completing projects. Maybe I will do that soon.
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Boycott V-Day Challenge: Day 9-13... Catch Up Time!

Day 09
A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day and a song that reminds you of your high school best friend
Traci is a mixed media artist that teaches at art conferences, featured in so many art magazines, has her own art supplies she sells in stores, just a really successful mixed media artist.

Day 10
A picture of something you want to do in the next ten years and a song that motivates you.
I want to get married!

Day 11
A picture of you when you were little and a song you discovered in the last week.

Day 12
A picture of your biggest insecurity and a song from a band you hate 

Yeah I have issues with my weight and health.

Day 13
A picture of something you wish you could forget and a song that is a guilty pleasure

My awkward teenage years

I still like Britney's songs even her past and what others think

Category: 1 comments

Boycott V-Day Challenge: Day 8

Day 08
A picture of you and a best friend and a song that you dance to when no one is looking

You should keep on painting no matter how difficult it is, because this is all part of experience, and the more experience you have, the better it is.. unless it kills you, and then you know you have gone too far.
-Alice Neel-

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Boycott V-Day Challenge: Day 7

Day 07
A picture taken with your cell phone and a song from your favorite concert you attended

I thought you had to give up a lot for art, and you did. It required complete concentration. It also required that whatever money you had had to be put into art materials.

-Alice Neel-
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Boycott V-Day Challenge: Day 6

Day 06
Post a picture from your commute and a song that you know all the words to

So.... I currently don't have a job therefore no set commute. I don't know how I could have a picture of it then. I also slept most of the day, out til 5am exploring redneck bars and Steak-n-Shake. It was a long night, so I barely remembered to write this blog post. I basically failed at today then. So here is a random picture that I like.

Colour is my day-long obsession, joy and torment
-Claude Monet-

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Book Review: Hunger

By: Jackie Morse Kessler

Lisabeth Lewis has a black steed, a set of scales, and a new job: she's been appointed Famine. How will an anorexic seventeen-year old girl from the suburbs fare as one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
Traveling the world on her steed gives Lisa freedom from her troubles at home - her constant battle with hunger and the struggle to hide it from the people who care about her. But being Famine forces her to go places where hunger is a painful part of everyday life and to face the horrifying effects of her awesome new power. Can Lisa find a way to harness that power - and the courage to fight her own inner demons?

I'm a young adult book lover. This book reading level has to be on the lower side of this, because I read it in three hours. Just because it was that short doesn't mean it wasn't good. I like sci-fi and fantasy books and I thought horsemen of the apocalypse, sounds neat and different. What I didn't realize that this book has a lot about her being anorexic and other eating disorders. Once you read about the author in the back you realize that her and a friend had fought against eating disorders themselves, but her friend had died from it. This book was written to help girls about that struggle that goes with the eating disorders. It was a really creative way to help girls realize the hunger pains they go through is nothing like the ones of those around the world that die from it. Also to realize that they need help. I want to be an teacher one day. Even though I work with mainly younger children now, I want to work with middle and high school age children. That is the age when girls tend to faces issues like eating disorders, I want to keep this book on hand so I can refer it to girls that maybe facing these issues.

Apparently this is the first young adult book that Jackie wrote. She normally writes paranormal and dark fantasy books for adults. I did like her writing style, creative ideas, and descriptive writing. When I need a book to read in the future I will look up the other books she writes.

Boycott V-Day Challenge: Day 5

Day 05
A beach picture that you have taken (or if you haven’t been, one you wish to visit) and the first song that comes up on your MP3 player (shuffle first)

This is from a beach in Nassau, Bahamas from the cruise I took last May


An Art Quote:
Painting is so poetic, while sculpture is more logical and scientific and makes you worry about gravity.
::: Damien Hirst :::
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Boycott V-Day Challenge: Day 4

Day 04
A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without and a song from your childhood


An Art Quote:
There's no retirement for an artist, it's your way of living so there's no end to it.
::: Henry Moore :::

Category: 1 comments

Chinese New Year: Year of the Metal Rabbit

Ok so new years was a bust for me this year and I am a huge fan of asian culture. Hello?! My bathroom and bedroom are decorated asian culture decorations. One of my favorite things in asian culture is the dragon. It also probably doesn't help that I was born in the year of the dragon..... which I think is pretty sweet! So Chinese New Year is my new year this year and I am going to make a list of goals to reach in the rest of this year. But lets check out my Dragon horoscope for the year and the day.

Dragon Outlook for 2011

    1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000

    Dragon Overview

    This year could feel like a roller coaster ride, so buckle up and hang on. Did you have a wild ride with Tiger in 2010? The Year of the Metal Rabbit will deliver its ups and downs. You'll have six good months, two so-so months, and four not-so-good months. The Rabbit's influence can clash with your bold and fiery nature. Additionally, your sign element of Wood has a negative relationship with the Metal year element. But don't worry. If you're a typical Dragon, it will take more than a few hits to bring you down. Take advantage of your favorable months and try to lay low during the unfavorable ones. Be cool, calm, and compromising to get your way.

    Dragon Rating

    50% (6 favorable, 2 neutral, 4 unfavorable)

    Dragon Career

    If you have your heart set on a promotion or a radical career change this year, you might have to work extra hard to get there. It's not impossible for you to make strides in your work, but they'll require a hefty amount of effort. Can you stick things out at your current job? Do you have friends and family that could help you transition into something new? Tap into your network and see who might be able to work their connections for you. Use your favorable months to make good progress in the office. Your dedication to getting the job done will probably make you stand out.

    Dragon Relationships

    Relationships might be a bit confusing under the Rabbit's reign. Are you questioning your compatibility with your partner? It might seem like your differences outweigh what's good. Sure, you probably have been working hard to keep love alive, but should it be such an effort? Only you know what's best. You might not want to make any sudden movements just yet. Spend some time alone to evaluate what's going on in your love life this year. Some introspection should help bring the clarity you need. Then, act accordingly.

    Dragon Health

    You might feel the wrath of mood swings with the ups and downs of this year. Are there ways you can prevent the blues? Make sure you're getting plenty of rest, exercise, and proper nutrition. It might be a good idea to take up yoga or some other form or relaxing physical activity. Take your vitamins. Remember to breathe. Get yourself on a regular schedule for eating, working and sleeping. You might need to be more diligent about staying healthy this year. Remaining centered and balanced will help you navigate choppy waters.

    Dragon Wealth

    Hopefully you'll see a bit of the Dragon's luck in 2011. The Metal element is on your side. There will be several months where the element of the year, month, and day all align, resulting in Triple Metal days. What does that mean? They should be favorable for money-making! Don't take any huge risks this year when it comes to your finances. Stay steady. Your prospects might be fairly good but some expenses could pop up too. Save some money for emergencies and spend only what you have.

    Daily Overview for February 3, 2011 (Today)

    There might be several opportunities to meet new people and bring more great things into your life today. What are you lacking that others can help you make up? The people in your circle might be able to help you more than you think.

    Well this Chinese New Year doesn't seem like it will be great... No matter what I can try and if things are going to come in my way, I can do my best to get through it. Well tonight I am going out to eat with friends and possibly family at China Wok and would like to try some sake for the first time, to celebrate the Chinese New Year. But until then I want to set some goals to reach in this lunar new year.

    1. To get rid of my cholestrol and blood pressure pills
    2. To go back to school
    3. Get a job that I can gain experience from and will help with the bills
    4. Join a gym and get on a weight loss program
    5. Lose 50 lbs
    6. Go roller skating with my sister and nephews
    7. Go ice skating with friends
    8. Finish decorating black and white wall of art in my bedroom
    9. Finish  fixing my mirror (it's almost done)
    10. Paint my drawer unit to a dark brown
    11. Visit Bobby Mackeys
    12. Participate in getting booth for the Frankfort Expo
    13. Read a book a week
    14. Write some book reviews on my blog
    15. Stay on top of this blog... by writing at least every other day
    16. Learn how to take cool pictures with my new Holga camera
    17. Get some money in savings
    18. Attend more roller derby events
    19. Get our garage organized.... again for the 4th or 5th time....arg
    20. Get a new car that I love

    Boycott V-Day Challenge: Day 3

    Day 03
    A picture that makes you laugh and a song that makes you happy
    This makes me laugh because I don't want a real traditional wedding at all. Sure I'll do the white dress but I love the stockings and tennis shoes. I want a wedding as fun as this.
    Oh man I love A Goofy Movie and Powerline. Me and my friends would go see Powerline in concert if he was real.
    An Art Quote:
    The holy grail is to spend less time making the picture than it takes people to look at it.
    ::: Banksy :::
    Category: 1 comments

    Derby City Roller Girls vs. Demonlition City Roller Girls

    Okay I learned back when I was on the yearbook staff in school that taking pictures in gyms is hard because it has a funky lighting, plus it's all action shots. I learned this past weekend that roller derby qualifies the same way. This was my first roller derby match and I loved it. I just wished they were closer to home. An hour drive isn't very nice, especially when you want to go out after. One of the girls on the Derby City team is a Pi Phi sister of my actual sister. We went to go cheer her on, just to find out this as the first time she couldn't play due to an injury. Ohhh... welll. It was still really great. I plan on making more trips to see them and also make sure Whip It is the next movie on my Netflix Queue.

    Well here are some pictures we took. They are pretty bad because of the flash and lighting in the building. Or because we didn't use flash so better color but the pictures are funky. I putting them on here cuz they still look pretty cool.