Blogs, Workshop, Dress

Now it is hard for me to post as often as I like. I have several things I want to update and share, it's getting a little hard. I began to find all these lovely blogs that I love to read now (I need to update my list in my sidebar). I even won my first giveaway on a blog. Every night this week, I get my computer out check email, Facebook, and Twitter before moving on reading the blogs. Next I know I am tired and ready for bed. It seems that time will be approaching soon for me, so I can't make this long and catch up on a lot I want to.

Normally I spend the weekends spending a good amount of time catching up on my blogging. This weekend I can not. My sorority is having are Summer Workshop. At home I will fall behind but I have not seen my sisters basically all summer, so it will be nice to see them and get ready together for this Fall semester. Maybe I'll get a chance to blog there but I doubt it.

Also the dress my mother (cough, cough.... and me) has been working on will be completed tonight. I am so glad. I will show my Pi Phi sisters this weekend and I'll show you the end product real soon. Last I tried it on, it looked really good. All is left is hemming the bottom of the dress. Exciting!!!
Category: 3 comments


Inspire Others said...

Hi Shana,
Thanks for following "Inspire Others" I'm following you too!. I want to invite you and your collegues students in education for Early Childhood to join this great community network for teachers that love and supports the arts in the classroom IT'S NEW and you can add ideas, photos and connect with others. Kindly visit "Artful Teachers" Hope to inspire you to create everyday! I'm also a Teacher for Early Childhood...
Big Hug and Keep on Inspiring Others!!!

k said...

have a good weekend though, lady!

Lila said...

Congrats on the giveaway.

Thanks for following, I'm following you too.
Hope you had a great weekend at your workshop.